Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Jason Fetz has a lot of friends.
This is directly due to his gracious smile, grace, and charm, but his very best friend is a man that couldn’t be charmed. “Mashed potato guy,” as Jason Fetz would call him, was a corpulent young rascal. His life was plagued with heart ache and glandular problems (much like that of Jason Fetz) though their friendship was steadfast and strong.

They met pool side, discussing the dishes offered and manners in which one would cook said dishes. The courtship began from there, as Mashed potato guy unbuttoning his not-quite-Hawaiian shirt and Jason Fetz drew in his rich hairy pheromones. They laughed harder than either of them have ever laughed, and cried more than most ladies cry. There love and friendship blossomed like that TV show Blossom, until that fateful moment…

To be continued…

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