Monday, May 12, 2008

Jason Fetz has a nice smile.

When his lips curl to expose this beautiful gift, it takes so much not to fall in love with him. His teeth are perfectly straight and glimmer white, like the fresh ivory of piano keys. There is kindness in his grin, a hope, a chance. As his dimples illuminate his face, and his eyes squint in such a way that says “everything is alright, everything is going to be fine” one feels complete.

However everything will not be alright, nothing will be fine. Like a cloud above our city, Jason Fetz rarely smiles. However, when he does it’s a smile of pure unadulterated evil. As that dark night shines upon us, and his beautiful beam grabs you, it is a horrible mix of right verses wrong hidden beneath those teeth.

Such is the duality of Jason Fetz.

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